Student Academic Issues and Concerns (SAIC)

SAIC is available to provide support for students with the following issues: credit hour overload requests, course substitutions, grade appeals, requests for incomplete grades, and other concerns.

Please see the following SACI Chart for a comparison of the issues handled by the START Office versus those handled by the student graduate assistant for SAIC.

Incomplete Grade

Incomplete Grade

An incomplete indicates that some portion of the student’s work is unfinished due to a justifiable reason (e.g. military assignment; hospitalization). Not having a book or taking a vacation is not an acceptable justification. Students must also realize that failure to finish an incomplete course within the semester may impact financial eligibility. The student is encouraged to seek council from financial aid office prior to petitioning for an incomplete.

Step 1:
Students may “request” an incomplete. Students must fill out and submit the Incomplete Grade Petition Form to the instructor.

The instructor may decline the request.

The instructor may approve the request if the following items are met:

  1. The approval would not contradict the course syllabus;
  2. The instructor has obtained the Dean’s approval prior to the last day of classes of the semester the course is taken.

If the instructor AND Dean have approved the request, the instructor indicates within the incomplete form the following:

  • List the reasons for the incomplete to demonstrate a justifiable reason
  • Provide a detailed list of the work to be completed
  • Denote the current grade
  • Indicate the date the work must be completed.

Step 2:
Submit the Incomplete Grade Petition form to the Dean of Curriculum and Academic Advancement for approval/signature. The Dean will forward the form to the Records Office.

Step 3:
According to the Student Handbook, “If the work is not completed within twelve (12) months, the instructor must submit a grade change to reflect a grade other than an ‘I’.”

Course Substitution

Course Substitution

As for course substitutions, the “request” to substitute is a five step process:

Step 1:
Prepare a written statement describing the rationale for the requested substitution. This must include an explanation of how the substituted course meets the Student Learning Outcomes and Performance Criteria for a General Studies course (or the Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives for the Program).

Step 2:
Complete the: Substitution of Requirements Form-Undergraduate or the Substitution of Requirements Form-Graduate

Step 3:
Submit the Substitution of Requirements form and written rationale to your advisor. Based upon these materials your advisor may or may not support the substitution. If your advisor supports the substitution, the advisor’s signature indicates support for the student’s rationale.

If you need additional assistance with completing the paperwork to meet with your advisor, you may contact the GA for Student Academic Concerns and Issues for help!

Step 4:
Your advisor will forward the substitution form and rationale to the appropriate department chair electronically. [In the case of a General Studies course, the materials need to be sent to the office of the School of Liberal Arts Dean; the request will be forwarded to the appropriate chair, who then will send it electronically to the GA. In case of Education courses (EDUC, EDCI, and EDAD), the materials need to be sent to the Dean of Licensure.] The department decision is not an arbitrary matter and is performed by professors who are experts in the subject content area. The course must meet the CSC learning outcomes of the required program (or area). Chadron State is accountable to external entities that evaluate CSC on such criteria. [This can cause confusion for students because one institution may accept a course but another may not – that is because the learning outcomes of the course or department are different. Chadron State is accountable for demonstrating that courses offered or substituted meet “CSC” outcomes.]

Step 5:
The request is forwarded to the office of the Dean of Curriculum and Academic Advancement. The Dean’s office responsibility is different. A number of facets are reviewed – again to meet the expectations and demands of external entities and/or abide by CSC policies. For instance if the substituted course is lower division (100 or 200) for an upper division (300 or 400 level) this is problematic and seldom feasible. [An upper division course entails more critical thinking and more depth and/or breadth within the course.]

Other Concerns/SAIC Contact Information

Other Concerns

If you have additional concerns or issues, please contact the GA for Student Academic Issues and Concerns for assistance. You may email or phone this office anytime or stop by Monday - Friday.

Contact Information

Chadron State College
1000 Main Street
Chadron, NE 69337

Phone: 308-432-6482

Campus Location: Old Admin., Room 232A

Grades Appeals Policy

Please refer to the Grade Appeals Policy for further details.


The academic suspension appeal form, incomplete grade petition and substitution of requirements forms can be found in the forms repository.