This schedule of tests is an official publication of Chadron State College and is intended to provide general information. Although the information was believed to be accurate at the time of publication, the College reserves the right to make changes at any time. The information, therefore, is subject to change.


08:30 - Room 160 Burkhiser Technology Complex

This test requires a comprehensive knowledge of first year accounting. First and second year accounting students may take this test. The test is limited to two (2) students from each school.

Standard four function calculators are permitted.

Advanced Mathematics

08:30 - Rooms 102 & 104 Math Science COIL

Students eligible to participate in this test are those who have completed two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and one semester of trigonometry. These students may or may not be presently enrolled in a mathematics class. In addition to subject matter included in the above courses, this test also has items in the elementary subject matter of analytic geometry, calculus, probability and statistics, discrete math, set theory, and axiomatic structures. Generally, traditional courses are examined, to some extent, from the modern viewpoint.

Scientific calculators are permitted and suggested.

Agronomy and Range Management

09:30 - Room 209 Rangeland Complex

This test will focus on the aspects of sustainable land management. Topics will cover soil and water management, ecology, best management practices, agricultural and range plant identification, grazing management, plant sciences, rangeland management practices, habitat evaluation and multiple uses. Calculations for some answers may be required.

Calculators (any type) are permitted.

Algebra I

11:30 - Room 017 Math Science COIL

Those eligible to participate in this exam are students who are now enrolled in a first-year algebra class. This exam is a written objective exam covering the fundamental operations, fractions, factoring, formulas, linear equations, systems of linear equations, and verbal problems.

Calculators are NOT permitted.

Algebra II

11:30 - Rooms 102 & 104 Math Science COIL

Students eligible to participate in this exam are those who are presently enrolled in a second year algebra course. The exam contains a comprehensive review of the topics generally covered in a second year algebra course and treated, to some extent, from the modern mathematics viewpoint.

Calculators permitted: Non-CAS (Computer Algebra Systems) – such as TI 83 or TI 84 without applications packages. Calculators NOT permitted: TI 89, TI 92, TI-Nspire, TI Voyage 2000, or any other calculator containing a Computer Algebra System.

American Government

11:30 - Rooms 227 and 242 Old Admin

This is an objective test in American Government that will include questions on the Constitution, the founding era, the political process, and national government.

American History

08:30 - Rooms 227 and 242 Old Admin

This is an objective test in American History from the early exploration of America to the present.

Animal Science

11:30 - Room 160 A & B Burkhiser Technology Complex

This test will cover the principles of Animal Science as it pertains to animal products, nutrition, reproduction; genetics, herd health and management practices for poultry, sheep, swine, dairy, goats, beef, horses, and companion animals.

Art Drawing

09:30 - Room 147 Memorial Hall

This is a performance test to determine ability in drawing still life with an emphasis on perceptual accuracy, overall compositional development, and completeness. Students will be provided with black drawing pencils, white paper and erasers. Fifty minutes will be required to complete the drawing problem.

Limited to 40 contestants (the first 40 registered, 1 student per school) and only junior or senior level students.

Business Communications and Vocabulary

09:30 - Room 160 Burkhiser Technology Complex

A business communications test consisting of an objective test covering vocabulary and correct business message composition. This test is limited to junior or senior level students, two (2) per school.

Business Information Systems

09:30 - Room 201 Burkhiser Technology Complex

Business Information Systems is an area of study which integrates information, technology, people, and business. This test will focus on the theory, skills, and values associated with a business environment that increasingly depends on technology for communication, collaboration, and efficient processing. Some knowledge of technology and general business is expected. This test is limited to two students per school.

Business Law

10:30 - Room 201 Burkhiser Technology Complex

This test is based on a study of business law and various problems in the area of law. The test will consist of true/false and multiple choice questions. This test is limited to two (2) students per school.

Business Management Decision Making

08:30 - Room 201 Burkhiser Technology Complex

This is an objective test and will combine principles and terms used in general business and current events that affect businesses. Students will be required to use their knowledge of business management and problem solving to make decisions. A time limit will be followed. This test is limited to two (2) students per school.

Business Mathematics

11:30 - Room 201 Burkhiser Technology Complex

Students taking this test must currently be enrolled in a business or consumer math class. This is an objective test based on a study of business math and practical applications. This test is NOT for advanced math students. This test is limited to two (2) students per school.

Calculators (TI 83, TI 84, or equivalent) are permitted.


10:30 - Room 017 Math Science COIL

This is an objective test that covers topics in contemporary chemistry which may include but are not limited to: stoichiometry, structure, the periodic law, bonding, the gas laws, solutions, chemical reactions, organic and biochemistry, and laboratory methods. This test is limited to sophomore through senior level students who have not previously completed the test.

Calculators (any type) are permitted.

Consumer Issues

10:30 - Room 202 Burkhiser Technology Complex

This test will emphasize problem solving abilities with regard to individual and family economics, and family environmental resources. Resources contributing to quality of life will be explored. Specific concepts will include housing and its economic and aesthetic elements; apparel design, selection and care; and management of personal and family economic investments.

Earth Science

08:30 - Rooms 109 & 134 Math Science COIL

This test is open to any high school student who has not previously competed in this test. It is an objective test covering areas of physical and historical geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy.


09:30 - Room 102 Old Admin

Education faculty will meet with prospective HS education students to explain the education program and answer student's questions about becoming a teacher. At the end of the discussion, the faculty will draw a name for the education scholarship winner.



Environmental Science

09:30 - Rooms 203 & 205 Math Science COIL

This exam will cover the living environment and human interactions within the environment and will cover such topics as ecology, biogeochemical cycles, plant and animal interactions, and world environmental issues.

Equine Management

10:30 - Room 209 Rangeland Complex

This test will cover basic principles of the horse industry including vital signs, common diseases, breeds, and conformation.

Flash Fiction

10:30 - Room 242 Old Admin

This exercise challenges aspiring writers to think on their feet and quickly create a short story that engages readers and shows off their imaginative, descriptive and compositional skills. At the beginning of the contest students will be presented with a writing prompt outlining a set of parameters (setting, characters, conflict, etc…) for the composition of a single short story within the exam period. The stories will then be read and ranked by a team of judges from the Department of English and Humanities and members of Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society. The criteria for judgment will be outlined in a rubric attached to the writing prompt at the beginning of the contest.

Limited to 15 contestants (the first 15 registered, 1 student per school) and only junior or senior level students. All entries must be composed and submitted in word processing form during this session. Contestants may use their own laptops if desired.

General Anatomy and Physiology

09:30 - Room 017 Math Science COIL

This test is a general overview of all human anatomy and physiology systems.

General Biology

10:30 - Rooms 102 & 104 Math Science COIL

This test is open to students who have been or are enrolled in a biological science course. This is an objective test with questions based on topics commonly included in recent general biology texts.

General Science

08:30 - Room 017 Math Science COIL

Those eligible to participate in this test are high school students who are now enrolled in a first year general science, physical science, or earth science course. The test will cover the concepts in all of the above areas. Students who have taken this test in a previous Scholastic Contest are NOT eligible. This test in NOT open to any student who has completed one full year of biology, chemistry, or physics.


11:30 - Rooms 201 & 202 Nelson Physical Activity Center

This objective test is designed to determine the student’s basic knowledge in the area of health. The test is open to high school freshman through senior level students.

Human Development and Family Life

08:30 - Room 202 Burkhiser Technology Complex

This test will cover developmental ages and stages throughout the life span from prenatal through old age, family structures and lifestyles, human relations, dynamics of parental roles, and environmental conditions which impact and affect the overall developmental process of humans.

Literary Analysis

09:30 - Room 242 Old Admin

This exercise challenges aspiring readers and writers to read and analyze a piece of literature. Students will be presented with either a poem or prose passage and asked to explain in a short essay what they think it’s about by making references to the text and identifying literary techniques (e.g., symbolism, metaphor, alliteration, etc.). The essays will then be read and ranked by a team of judges from the Department of English and Humanities. The criteria for judgment will be outlined in a rubric attached to the writing prompt at the beginning of the contest.

Limited to 15 contestants (the first 15 registered, 1 student per school) and only junior or senior level students. All entries must be composed and submitted in word processing form during this session. Contestants may use their own laptops if desired.


09:30 – Room 126 Memorial Hall

The music exam will consist of two parts. The first will be a written exam which includes elementary theory, music history, and literature (30 minutes). The second part will be a solo performance of a piece of music not to exceed 5 minutes. The piece performed should be similar in nature to those required for festival performances (for example, district contest). An accompanist will be provided, if needed. Please email a PDF of your music (including piano accompaniment) by Friday, September 27, to  Include in the email the instrument being played by the student as well as information about other tests being taken by the student to assist with the scheduling of the solo performance.

Note: The solo performance part of the exam is to be scheduled individually in 10-minute time slots. These will begin after the written part of the exam and should be scheduled a week in advance of the competition by emailing

Nebraska History

10:30 - Room 320 Old Admin

This objective test covers the history of Nebraska from the ancient past to the present day, with special emphasis on Native tribes, overland migration, statehood, and agriculture.

Nutrition and Family Health

09:30 - Room 202 Burkhiser Technology Complex

This test will include the topics of nutrition, food selection and preparation, food safety, management of family meals, individual and family health, and nutrition for athletes.

Personal Finance

10:30 - Rooms 160 A & B Burkhiser Technology Complex

This exam is designed for junior and senior students. The topics will focus on wise use of credit cards and identity theft, balancing a checkbook, buying a home and car, getting insurance, and budgeting.

Physical Education Sports Knowledge

10:30 - Rooms 201 & 202 Nelson Physical Activity Center

This test measures the knowledge about and understanding of the area of sports and sports skills. This test is open to freshman through senior level students.

Physical Science

11:30 - Rooms 109 & 134 Math Science COIL

This is a multiple choice test covering topics within physical science including earth science, astronomy, chemistry and physics. Any student who has completed coursework in general science, physical science, earth science, chemistry or physics may participate in this test.

Calculators are NOT permitted.


10:30 - Rooms 223 & 229 Math Science COIL

This multiple choice test consists of physics problems covering the follow topics: mechanics, optics, electricity, modern physics, heat, hydrostatics, momentum and energy.

All TI calculators are permitted.

Plane Geometry

09:30 - Rooms 223 & 229 Math Science COIL

Those eligible to participate in this test are high school students enrolled in a plane geometry or higher course. This test is a written objective test on lines, angles, triangles, parallel lines, polygons, circles, similar figures, congruent figures, loci, and construction. A few basic non-Euclidean geometry topics found in high school geometry texts may be included as well.

Calculators are NOT permitted.


08:30 - Room 301 Miller Hall

This 100 item multiple choice test will sample general knowledge in human psychology. Represented on the test is content related to behavioral neuroscience and genetics, cognition (problem solving, human learning, thinking memory, language, perception, information processing, artificial intelligence, performance), motivation, social psychology, experimental methods, psychology’s history, statistics, development, and personality systems. However, it is NOT necessary to have taken a high school psychology course. Anyone interested in human psychology is urged to participate.

Limited to 30 contestants (the first 30 registered, 1 student per school) and only junior or senior level students.


09:30 - Rooms 102 & 104 Math Science COIL

Those eligible to participate in this test are high school students who are now enrolled in or who have been enrolled in a course in trigonometry. This is a written test covering plane trigonometry, consisting of problems involving the trigonometric functions of right triangles, radian measure, trigonometric equations and identities, and inverse functions.

Calculators (any type) are permitted.

Veterinary Sciences

08:30 - Rooms 201 & 223 Math Science COIL

This test will cover veterinary medical concepts and principles related to anatomy, physiology, herd health, metabolism, and genetic disorders.

Wildlife Ecology and Management

10:30 - Room 231 Burkhiser Technology Complex

This test will focus on the aspects of ecology and management of wildlife species common to the Great Plains region, especially those found in a rangeland habitat. Students will be tested on their knowledge base of wildlife species, habitat requirements, and interactions with humans and domestic livestock. Other topics will include: animal identification, habitat manipulation, diseases, population ecology, behavior, predator/prey relationships, threatened and endangered species, and harvest management. This test is open to any student with an interest in this area.

Calculators (any type) are permitted.

World History

09:30 - Room 320 Old Admin

This is an objective test in World History from ancient times to the present.