CSC Alaska graduates honored in August ceremony 

Group of graduates posing with college officials
Nebraska State College System and Chadron State College officials pose with CSC graduates before a graduation ceremony in the Anchorage South High School Auditorium Aug. 10, 2023. (Courtesy photo, used with permission)


CHADRON – Chadron State College graduate students, all employees of the Anchorage School District, were honored Aug. 10 in a graduation ceremony at the Anchorage South High School Auditorium.

CSC President Ron K. Patterson and Nebraska State College System Chancellor Paul Turman officiated the event which was attended by friends and family of the graduates, other CSC officials, and Anchorage School District administrators.

The following students each earned a master’s degree in Educational Administration with a School Principal focus area. The students are: Tarna Armstrong, Clara Baldwin, Ashley Bukowski, Michelle Carton, Nicole Cheshier, Bethany Essary, Laurie Mathews, Emily Smith, Sascha Smith, Jessica Williams, Russell Shurtleff, and Cameron Vincent-Lang. Leah Maltbie earned an endorsement.

Patterson said he is pleased with the exciting and mutually beneficial partnership between CSC and the Anchorage School District.

“This partnership solidifies the role both CSC and the Anchorage School District play in serving the workforce needs of the state of Alaska and beyond,” Patterson said.

Recruiter and Coordinator of Education Outreach Programs Don King said CSC has been providing graduate-level programming for faculty in the Anchorage School District since 2018 as part of a collaborative effort to address the district’s increasing teacher, school counselor, and administrator shortages. CSC has active graduate and undergraduate partnerships with five school districts in Alaska. 

-Tena L. Cook

Category: Campus News, Education