Art Guild travels to Denver

Five students and one staff member pose outside of Denver Art Museum.
Chadron State College Art Guild members on a field trip at the Denver Art Museum March 24, 2022. From left, Sid Shelke, Ashley Burrows, Rebecca Monahan, Carissa Hill, Katie Hoeke, and Professor Mary Donahue. (Courtesy image, used with permission)


CHADRON – Chadron State College Art Guild members and their adviser Mary Donahue, Professor of Art, toured several Colorado art museums and art businesses in late March. The students who traveled to Denver are Carissa Hill of Imperial, Neb., Ashley Burrows of Hay Springs, Neb., Katherine Hoeke of Rapid City, S.D., Siddhant Shelke of McKinney, Texas, and Rebecca Monahan of Cheyenne, Wyo

Hill, Art Guild President, plans to be an art teacher. She said she will share the Denver experiences with her future students and encourage them to have an appreciation for art.

She said it was interesting to observe how different members of the group were excited at different museums and how they related to different artwork. Her favorite was 19th Century Art in the Denver Art Museum, while others preferred the Kirkland Museum, and Meow Wolf.

“I was impressed at how many artists and artwork I recognized after learning about them in my Art History classes. I found myself telling the other members of the club interesting facts about the artists throughout the trip. I also had a new appreciation and understanding for the different art mediums since I have created art using them,” Hill said.

Burrows said the trip introduced her to new types of art.

“I liked experiencing the different art institutions. Each had their own unique theme and art medium. I especially liked the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Egyptian exhibit, and the Denver Art Museum that displayed various Monet pieces,” Burrows said.

As a non-art major, she has only taken one CSC drawing class, but found it rewarding.

“What I learned in my Drawing for the Non-Art Major class, however, helped me appreciate the work process and recognize the different elements in the pieces we viewed,” Burrows said. “It will help me recognize art in the world and focus on developing my art style.”

Hoeke, a Special Education major, said she noticed everyone in the group enjoyed different styles of art.

“For example, I loved the Meow Wolf interactive museum. The rest of the group didn't enjoy this one as much as the others and that's OK. As individuals who make art, everyone has their own taste which is how good art is made. I feel as if our experiences gave me new ideas about art, colors, and more contemporary art for me to use in a SPED classroom,” Hoeke said.

—Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

-Tena L. Cook

Category: Art, Campus News