The Eagle takes ninth consecutive Best Overall in Golden Leaf Awards

Michael D. Kennedy, instructor of communication, teaches design principles to a communication class.
Michael D. Kennedy, instructor of communication, teaches design principles to a communication class.


CHADRON – Chadron State College’s student newspaper, The Eagle, recently won its ninth consecutive Best Overall Newspaper award in the 2020 Golden Leaf Awards competition, conducted by the Northern Plains Collegiate Media Association (NPCMA).

The Eagle’s website,, placed third in the Best Overall Website category of the contest, according to Mike Kennedy, NPCMA Executive Director, CSC communications instructor and adviser to The Eagle.

The Eagle’s student staff members took 13 first-place awards, eight second-place awards and 11 third-place awards. The paper also had seven Staff Awards, including Best Overall Newspaper and third-place Best Overall Website.

The awards recognize work published in student-produced media from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2019.

Eight schools in Nebraska, including Chadron, Peru and Wayne State Colleges, Concordia University, Doane University, Hastings College, Nebraska Wesleyan University, and the University of Nebraska-Kearney, make up the NPCMA, formerly the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association.

The Eagle staff had a videoconference meeting April 4 to recognize award winners after the association cancelled its annual conference and awards luncheon in Chadron at the end of March because of Nebraska’s Directed Health Measures.

Ten different members of The Eagle’s student staff won individual awards in the competition. They are Brandon Davenport of Chadron, Shannon Schneider, a 2019 graduate from Scottsbluff, Donica Enevoldsen, a 2019 graduate from Potter, Chase Vialpando of Douglas, Wyo., Gregg Peterson, a 2019 graduate from Denver, Mercy Maunu of Valentine, Zachary Carlson of Chadron, Samantha Persinger, a 2019 graduate from Hermosa, S.D., Aubrie Lawrence of Alliance, and Devin Fulton of Glenrock, Wyo.

First place winners in all categories received plaques and certificates were provided for all other award recipients, said Kennedy, whose duties include coordinating the Golden Leaf Awards competition.

Print publication awards:

Best Sports Game Story: First Place, Brandon Davenport, Eagle losses could make for an interesting finish.

Best Breaking News Story: Third Place, Shannon Schneider, Senate slashes music budget.

Best News Package: Third Place, Shannon Schneider and Donica Enevoldsen, coverage of The Big Event

First Place, Shannon Schneider, coverage of Storm of the Century

Best Feature Story: Second Place, Chase Vialpando, Newman House celebrates 50 years

First Place, Brandon Davenport, Potential CSC fishing club searching for support.

Best Arts and Entertainment Story: Third Place, Brandon Davenport, Tangerine breaks through the monotony of Hollywood

First Place Chase Vialpando, Between the lines.

Best Editorial: Second Place, The Eagle Editorial Staff, Support student press freedom.

Best Breaking News Photo: Third Place, Shannon Schneider, CSC grounds crew member battles Bomb Cyclone

Second Place, Gregg Peterson, Big Bordeaux Creek flooding threatens ranch house,

First Place, Gregg Peterson, White River flooding sweeps away Ormesher Road.

Best Feature Photo: Third Place, Mercy Maunu, Paint & Sip,

First Place, Brandon Davenport, Gone fishing.

Best Sports News Photo: Third Place, Brandon Davenport, Wide receiver focus,

Second Place, Brandon Davenport, Bull rider bucked,

First Place, Zachary Carlson, Wrestling twist.

Best Sports Feature Photo: Second Place, Brandon Davenport, Blood for the Cause,

First Place, Samantha Persinger, Volleyball expressions.

Best Infographic: First Place, Samantha Persinger, Halloween and Innovation & Science timelines

Best Newspaper Spread: Third Place, Samantha Persinger, Homecoming 2019,

Second Place, Brandon Davenport, Eagle-Rock Trophy stays put,

First Place, The Eagle Staff, The Big Event Special Edition.

Best Overall Design: Second Place, The Eagle Staff.

Best Overall Newspaper: First Place, The Eagle Staff

Online awards:

Best Breaking News Coverage: Third Place, Aubrie Lawrence, Feedback prompts NSCS to re-examine tech policies,

Second Place, Aubrie Lawrence, Math & Science building gets approved funding,

First Place, Shannon Schneider, Storm of the Century.

Best Audio Slideshow: First Place, Devin Fulton and Brandon Davenport, Tyler Gator Lewis shares his thoughts after final performance.

Best Social Media Presence: Third Place, The Eagle Staff, The Eagle Sports Twitter

Best Online Home Page: Third Place The Eagle Staff.

Best Overall Website: Third Place, The Eagle Staff



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