You@CSC to support student success

2019-04-17 You@CSC to support student success


CHADRON – Chadron State College launched an online service this week to support student success. You@CSC is available to students at The website uses multi-media content to help students build skills, strengthen resilience and approach health from a holistic perspective.

The portal centralizes online and on-campus resources in three areas: Academic and Career Success (Succeed), Physical and Mental Well-being (Thrive), and Purpose and Campus Connections (Matter).

Succeed provides study tips, connections with tutors and internships, and support for goal setting. Thrive helps students achieve mind and body balance, while proactively dealing with stress. Matter addresses the importance of involvement and increases visibility of campus resources, fostering equitable access for all student populations.

The confidential, anonymous service includes support for major stages in a typical collegiate experience such as freshman orientation, mid-terms, final exams and internship and career searches.

Users can take quizzes to assess their current strengths and challenges. Based on this secure information, the system provides on-campus resources, wellness tips, modules, and other helpful tools the student can save and use to set goals.

Surveys at Colorado State University, where the product was launched in 2016, indicate students who used the service became more aware of campus resources, managed stress better managed, and learned something new about their physical and mental well-being.

Brittany Helmbrecht, who led the committee that implemented the resource, said the service was discovered during an October webinar hosted by the Teaching and Learning Center. In a follow-up meeting, the product gained support and financing from the academic deans and Student Services.

“We were able to move ahead at a quick pace thanks to the support we received,” Helmbrecht said.

Task force members include Keith Crofutt, Josh Ellis, Deena Kennell, Kim Madsen, Tracy Nobiling, Megan Northrup, Jennifer Schaer, Tamara Toomey, and Tom Tylee.

-Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

Category: Campus News, Student Services