New faculty announced

2018 fall semester new faculty
New Chadron State College faculty for the Fall 2018 semester pose west of Old Admin Aug. 16, 2018. Front row, from left: Mary Keithly, Allison Fritz, Joan Carraher, Comfort Akuh. Back row: Adam Hughes, Eric Rapp, John Wojcik, Scot Mullis. (Photo by Daniel Binkard/Chadron State College)


CHADRON – Seven new Chadron State College employees will join the faculty this semester. They are Dr. Comfort Akuh, Dr. Joan Carraher, Dr. Allison Fritz, Adam Hughes, Dr. Mary Keithly, Dr. Eric Rapp and Dr. John Wojcik. Scot Mullis, formerly a Coordinator for Veteran Services at CSC will now teach Military Science Leadership courses as part of his responsibilities with the Army ROTC program.

School of Business, Mathematics and Science

Akuh, an Assistant Professor, will teach Accounting.She has a Doctorate in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting and a master’s degree in Accounting.

Akuh said she’s looking forward to teaching at CSC.

“It’s an aspiration to support student goal achievement through excellence in teaching, scholarship and service,” Akuh said.

Keithly, an Assistant Professor, will teach Chemistry and Physical Science for Elementary and Middle School Education. She earned her bachelor’s at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and her Ph.D. in Chemistry at Vanderbilt University. She taught for two years at Missouri Southern State University before coming to CSC.

School of Liberal Arts

Fritz, an Assistant Professor, will teach Environmental Ethics, Biomedical Ethics, Introduction to Philosophy and The Academic Life.

She earned a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a master’s in Philosophy and a master’s in Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Wyoming. She said she spent a year abroad at the University of Ulster in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, as an undergraduate student.

The remote location of the campus is part of what drew her to CSC.

“I am more interested in being surrounded by beautiful places than I am in being around a multitude of people,” Fritz said.

Hughes, an Assistant Professor, will teach Fundamentals of Oral Communication and Organizational Communication. Hughes said the college’s dedication to student-centered teaching, and the kindness of those he met were two factors that attracted him to CSC.

He earned his bachelor’s from North Carolina State University, his master’s from Virginia Tech, and is pursuing his doctorate from the University of Memphis.

Wojcik, an Associate Professor, will direct the Wind Symphony and Campus-Community Band, and teach Brass Studio and Elementary Music Methods.

He said he was attracted to CSC based on the collegiality of the professors, departmental vision and beautiful area.

Wojcik has a bachelor’s in Music Education from Michigan State University, a master’s in trumpet performance from the University of Oklahoma and a doctorate in Instrumental Conducting from the University of Kansas.

School of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences

Carraher, an Assistant Professor, will teach the following graduate courses: Practicum/Internship in Educational Administration and Research Design and Analysis.

A retired school administrator, Carraher, earned three degrees from the University of Nebraska-Kearney and her doctorate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

She said she had not been on the CSC campus until the day of her interview for the position.

“By the end of the day I knew it would be the right fit for me. Everyone I've met has been so kind and helpful, both on campus and throughout the community. As superintendent, I've had the privilege of hiring Chadron State College graduates and found them to be well-prepared teachers and great people,” Carraher said.

Mullis began his military career with the Kansas Army National Guard in 2013 and transferred to the Nebraska Army National Guard in 2016. He commissioned as a second lieutenant in 2014 through the Federal Officer Candidate School in Fort Benning, Georgia. He has had positions at the company and battalion level including: Platoon Leader, Maintenance Control Officer, Production Control Officer, Additional Duty Safety Officer and Battalion Logistics Officer.

Rapp, an Assistant Professor, will teach Introduction to Teaching and Technology Resources for Learning. He taught high school science for 20 years and coached a champion Science Olympiad team in Las Vegas, Nevada. After completing his master’s and doctorate at the University of Nevada-Las Vega, he wrote and published two interactive eBooks for middle and high school science students.

“I feel lucky to have found ways to pursue my interests in science with my desire to understand how to teach abstract concepts through multimedia formats. I look forward to using these skills at CSC,” Rapp said.

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus News