CSC to dedicate sculpture at Rangeland Complex

Krista Birnbaum prepares her beaded sculpture
Krista Birnbaum, Houston artist, prepares her beaded sculpture, based on the little blue stem grass root system, for installation in the Chadron State College Rangeand Lab Tuesday, April 24, 2018. (Photo by Tena L. Cook/Chadron State College)


CHADRON – As part of the Nebraska 1% for Art Program, Chadron State College will dedicate “You Feel Like Waving,” a beaded sculpture created by Krista Birnbaum, Friday, June 1 at 9 a.m. at the Rangeland Complex.

The event is free and open to the public.

According to materials about the sculpture provided by Birnbaum, the sculpture approximates the depth and shape of the root system of little bluestem, a native grass of the American prairie. While the above ground foliage can reach up to 3-feet tall, the roots can grow five to eight feet below the ground. The beads used in the sculpture are made from wood and gemstones, including agate, representing the natural resources of Nebraska.

Speakers for the dedication will include Chadron State College Vice President For Academic Affairs Dr. Charles Snare, Executive Director of the Nebraska Arts Council Suzanne Wise, and Associate Professor of Applied Sciences Dr. Teresa Frink.

-CSC College Relations

Category: Art, Campus News, Range Management