Milos named Project Strive/TRiO Student of the Month

Joel Milos
Joel Milos


CHADRON – Joel Milos of Bellevue, Nebraska, has been named the January Project Strive/TRiO Student of the Month.

Milos, a double major in business administration and rangeland management with an option in wildlife management, enrolled in Fall 2015. He chose Chadron State College after receiving a Board of Trustees Scholarship and others. An eastern Nebraska native, Milos said he liked CSC was far away, yet still in Nebraska.

Milos earned college credit during high school, allowing him to reach junior level status by his second year at CSC. He also averages 16 credit hours per semester.

His work ethic shows he is a motivated, strong student, according to Katy Kuhnel, academic adviser for Project Strive/TRiO.

“Since his first day in Project Strive/TRiO, Joel has demonstrated a tireless, quiet drive to succeed. He consistently tackles heavy course loads, achieving high grades and rarely voicing complaints,” Kuhnel said.

Milos was first introduced to Project Strive during his first weekend at CSC. He joined the organization right away and said he hasn’t regretted his decision.

“The staff is always here to answer all of your questions and give you advice,” Milos said.

His favorite Project Strive/TRiO event has been pet therapy – an event where pets were available for students to play with during finals week to get a break from studying.

He also finds career related events, such as resume building and interview tips, to be helpful in preparing for his future.

Milos said his favorite class was Rangeland Hydrology (AGRI 348).

“The class looked into the effects management choices have on water that is available and how water moves through rangelands,” Milos said.

Over the summer of 2016, Milos worked in Yellowstone National Park. Milos’ love for travel led him farther from CSC as part of his capstone class, Cuba Libre (HUM 401) in January. Milos said the trip to Cuba was his favorite CSC experience so far.

Milos has also been involved in the Wildlife and Ag Club and said he enjoys hiking at the Nebraska National Forest, fishing, and reading in his spare time.

Milos plans to graduate in the spring of 2019 and potentially attend graduate school.

Graduate school or not, though, Milos plans on working for the National Parks Service. His passion for the outdoors is one he hopes to continue throughout his career, according to Kuhnel.

“Joel has shown a curiosity for the natural resources world and the field that awaits him upon graduation will surely lead to a fulfilling, successful career,” she said.

-Kelsey Brummels, College Relations

Category: Campus News, Student Awards & Achievements