Writing Wild theme of 2016 Story Catcher workshop

Story  Catcher poster


CHADRON— The 2016 Story Catcher Summer Writing Workshop and Festival, “Writing Wild,” is now open for registration. Registration closes May 30 and pre-workshop retreat lodging is limited to 15 participants.

The writing retreat portion of the workshop will be at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, June 9-10. The emphasis of the retreat is to build a community of writers by sharing written work as well as individual writing processes.

Three writers-in-residence will be featured: poet Robert Wrigley, author Kim Barnes and author Joe Wilkins. Author Dan O’Brien will also join as a special guest.

A registration fee of $350 includes two days lodging at Fort Rob and admission to the general workshop and festival on the Chadron State College campus June 11-12.

The general workshop and festival will be at the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center, featuring both Wrigley and Barnes, and writer Alan Wilkinson.

The general workshop fee is $150 and includes access to workshops, events and reception, as well as continental breakfast and refreshments.

Complete workshop information is available online.

For registration and workshop questions contact scoughlin@csc.edu.

-Conor P. Casey

Category: Campus Events, Campus News, English