Western District History Day impresses CSC

Taryn Underwood portrays a character at History Day
Taryn Underwood of Crawford, Nebraska, portrays Holocaust heroine Irena Sendler who saved Jewish children by smuggling them of out the ghettos and keeping their names in a jar so they could be reunited with their families after the war. She is competing in the Western District History Day Feb. 26, 2016 in Memorial Hall's Black Box Theatre. (Tena L. Cook/Chadron State College)


CHADRON – Nearly 70 middle school and high school students participated in the 10th Annual Western District History Day competition hosted at Chadron State College Feb. 26.

Students representing Chadron, Crawford, Ainsworth and Sioux County schools developed websites, displays, documentaries and performances in line with the 2016 theme: “Exploration, Encounter and Exchange in History.”

A wide range of topics included the meat industry, Navajo Code Talkers, the Holocaust, Marie Curie, the Salem Witch trials, Dorthea Lange’s photography, and the work of gorilla expert Dian Fossey.

The top three contestants in each age division of each category will advance to the state contest April 16 in Lincoln.

Judges for the event included community members and representatives of civic organizations from Chadron, Alliance and Red Cloud, as well as CSC faculty, staff and graduate students, according to Sarah Polak, judging coordinator and director of the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center.

Carly Heath, a CSC faculty member who judged documentaries, said she was impressed with students’ abilities.

“I participated in this event as a high schooler, and nothing really has changed as far as the competition goes. But now, kids have really gone above and beyond with technology. It is impressive to see the types of skills that they incorporate into history day,” Heath said.  

Other documentary judges offered positive verbal feedback to the competitors regarding their skills in video editing and technology. A common question from judges revolved around students’ research methods and types, and credibility of sources.

Roger Mays, a judge in the performance division offered staging and blocking advice to an Ainsworth team depicting the life of Eva Bowring, Nebraska’s first female U.S. Senator. He walked through scenes with the students demonstrating how they could show, with body language, Bowring’s initial rejection and then final acceptance of the appointment.

“Show the story more than tell it,” he said.

History Day Results

Junior (Grades 6-8) Results

Individual Historical Paper

1, Allison Taylor, Ainsworth, “Navajo Code Talkers: Words that Changed World War II;” 2, Kayley Galbraith, Chadron, “James Cook;” 3, Dallas Kelso, Chadron, “Jackie Robinson.”

Individual Interpretive Website

1, Maren Arens, Ainsworth, “Alexander the Great;” Cambrea Vogel, Crawford, “Exploring Pandora’s Box.”

Group Interpretive Website

1, Lauren Collins, Grace Sorenson, Chadron, “Salem Witch Trials;” 2, Madison Sandstrom, Abigail Gardner, Chadron, “Elizabeth Blackwell: First American Female Doctor;” 3, Julie Skavdahl, Sam Skavdahl, Sioux County, “Agate Fossil Beds: Exploring Nebraska’s Past.”

Individual Exhibit

1, Ceeanna Beel, Ainsworth, “Dorthea Lange: Encountering the Depression Through the Camera Lens;” 2, Katelyn Briggs, Chadron, “Enrico Cecchetti;” 3, Tylea Underwood, Crawford, “Little Sure Shot.”

Group Exhibit

1, Jada Mader, Jillian Brennan, Crawford, “Upton Sinclair’s Encounter with the Meat Industry;” 2, Aubree Rice, Madelyn Goochey, Bria Delimont, Lily Harris, Ainsworth, “Jan Karski: A Righteous Among the Nations;” 3, Maia Flynn, Summer Richardson, Ainsworth, “Mother of Normandy: Exchanging Letters to Comfort American Families.”

Individual Documentary

1, Tyler Kaus, Chadron, “Thomas Savage: An Exchange at Jamestown;” 2, Grant Taylor, Ainsworth, “Just American: The Tuskegee Airmen Explore Racial Diversity in the Military.”

Group Documentary

1, Alyssa Erthum, Haley Schroedl, Shelly Saner, Ainsworth, “Marie Curie: An Absolutely Radiant Scientist.”

Individual Performance

1, Katrina Beel, Ainsworth, “Dian Fossey: Encountering Gorillas in the African Mist.”

Group Performance

1, Elizabeth Wilkins, Eden Raymond, Allison, Arens, Ainsworth, “Eva Bowring: A Nebraska Rancher Exploring the U.S. Senate.”


Senior (Grades 9-12) Results

Individual Documentary

1, Vanessa Taylor, Ainsworth, “The Day of Two Noons: Railroad Encounters with Time.”

Group Documentary

1, Morgan Edmund, Angela Johnson, Sioux County, “Martha Graham Explores Dance.”

Individual Historical Paper

1, Casey Osantowski, Sioux County, “Japan Encounters the World: Matthew Perry Opens Japan to the Modern World;” 2, James Kriz, Crawford, “Encountering Jules Verne.”

Individual Exhibit

1, Aysha Roos, Crawford, “Narcissus Whitman’s Destructive Journey;” 2, Nathaniel Nixon, Crawford, “Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden and the Geological Survey of 1971;” 3, Chance Snook, Crawford, “The Exploration of Antarctica.”

Individual Interpretive Website

1, Brady Aschwege, Crawford, “Andrew Jackson Higgins and the Little Boat That Won the War.”

Group Interpretive Website

1, Sydney Brown, Hunter Hawk, Chadron, “The Space Shuttle Program.”

Individual Performance

1, Taryn Underwood, Crawford, “More Than A Name in A Jar;” 2, Skyler Smyres, Crawford, “The Wright Brothers Plus One.”

-Tena L. Cook and Conor P. Casey

Category: Campus Events, Campus News, Historical, Theatre