NET events draw Chadron crowds to four events, two at CSC

McKay Tebbs performs a jazz piece
Chadron State College music faculty member McKay Tebbs performs a jazz version of the Star-Bangled Banner during taping of "Friday LIVE," Nebraska Public Radio's weekly arts and cultural magazine Tuesday, June 14, 2016, at the Bean Broker in Chadron. (Photo by Tena L. Cook/Chadron State College)


CHADRON – Groups of Chadron residents gathered in four venues, including two at Chadron State College, Monday and Tuesday to discuss community issues, be entertained and provide feedback to staff members of NET, Nebraska’s PBS & NPR Stations, education, communications and development teams.

Monday night, a screening of several “Nebraska Stories” in the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center at CSC included features of Hyannis High School students, Chadron resident Mary Louise Tejada Brown and Wildcat Hills trails.

Tuesday morning at the Bean Broker, Debbie Hamlett, assistant general manager of development and marketing, facilitated a town hall style meeting titled “Town Talk” discussing needs, lifestyle benefits and future plans related to life in the Chadron area.

A live taping of “Friday LIVE” followed, including interviews of several CSC employees. Sarah Polak, director of the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center, spoke about a traveling exhibit of Mari Sandoz on display this summer in the Custer County Museum in Broken Bow, Nebraska. Brooks Hafey, Bobby Pace and McKay Tebbs from the CSC music department gave musical performances. The program was aired Friday morning and can be heard online at

Tuesday afternoon, Jet, a character from PBS Kids “Ready, Jet, Go” spent two hours at the CSC Child Development Center posing for photos with children, teachers and parents. The meet-and-greet also included play time with Keva planks, making PBS Kids lapel buttons, and viewing film segments of “Ready, Jet, Go.”

While these events were underway, other NET film crews were in the field recording segments for future Nebraska Stories and other programs. In all, nearly 20 NET staff stayed in Chadron, according to Cameron Risher, NET director of communications.

"We knew we wanted to come out west. It’s been an incredible experience. It’s important to meet face-to-face with our followers of all ages. We want to share stories from here with other communities statewide. We know how much they enjoy learning about other areas," Risher said. “The response and support has been wonderful. It’s great to connect with our followers and hear about their favorite shows and episodes.”

-Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

Category: Campus Events, Campus News