Kenney's nonfiction short story published

Rich Kenney
Rich Kenney


Richard Kenney’s nonfiction piece, “High Flies and Full Chords,” was published April 1 by Foliate Oak Literary Magazine.

In the story, Kenney, a Chadron State College assistant professor in Counseling, Psychology and Social Work, flashes back to his childhood of playing baseball and taking musical lessons in Braintree, Massachusetts.

Upon finding a used baseball glove on top of a worn-out piano at a yard sale, Kenney delves into memories of “The Bank’n,” which served as a makeshift Fenway Park for him and his friends in Braintree, as well as memories of piano lessons with his music teacher, Mrs. Lund.

The nostalgic piece details childhood flashbacks like exploring the mending capabilities of electrical tape on a blown-out baseball and retrieving home run balls from thorny thickets past the outfield fence.

Kenney said the story and the event that inspired it are similar in content.

“I was inspired to write ‘High Flies and Full Chords’ after watching a sandlot baseball game while visiting a yard sale last year. The experience took me back to my ball-playing days as a kid in a Boston suburb,” Kenney said.

Kenney also had an article published in 2013 about social work.

“I enjoy all forms of writing, including creative nonfiction, poetry, short stories, and even screenplays. I’ve had a number of pieces published over the years in all the genres except for my screenplays, though I’m still hopeful,” Kenney said.

-Conor P. Casey, Graduate Assistant

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