Communications students visit Omaha

CSC students pose with Sara Brown and Jamie Schneider
Chadron State College students pose with the American Heart Association communication director Sara Brown and Jamie Schneider in Omaha during a "Careers in Communication" field trip Nov. 7-9, 2016. Back row, from left, Kira Fish, Jamie Schneider (Communication Coordinator), Sara Brown (Vice President of the Great Plains) Raychel Thomas, Christie Hammack, Megan O'Leary andAlyssa Sanders. Front row, from left, Shae Brennan, Justine Stone, Angela Cruz and Torri Brumbaugh. (Courtesy photo)


CHADRON - Dr. Shaunda French and eight Chadron State College students visited Omaha Nov. 6-9, to explore “Careers in Communication,” a field trip for public relations’ students.

French, associate professor of Communication and Social Sciences, has also taken students to Minneapolis for public relations. She believes the trips provide great examples of successful professionals.

“There are so many benefits in providing a trip like this for students. To be able to network, to get valuable insight into a professional career the students seek to obtain one day, and also have professionals critique their resumes,” French said.

The group spent time at TD Ameritrade Park and the CenturyLink Center, American Heart Association (AHA) and Omaha World Herald, exploring the world of public relations.

Alyssa Sanders of Dalton, Nebraska, has career aspirations in event design and management. During the trip, the group was able to explore the numerous happenings at TD Ameritrade Park and the CenturyLink Center and the checklists staff complete before an event.

Sanders said she enjoyed this part of the trip.

“The park was a highlight because I’m a huge baseball fan, but more so, it was just fascinating to learn about the major undertakings the center goes through to prepare for the various events. While we were there we got to see a glimpse of the preparation process as they prepared to hold a convention for Complete Nutrition,” Sanders said.

At the AHA, students took part in a question and answer session. Justine Stone of Maywood, Nebraska, found the AHA staff members in the session were helpful highlighting the ethical aspect of public relations.

According to Stone, the AHA only accepts donations from companies who align with their own stance on health.

“The AHA was very interesting because it showed a non-profit side of PR and fundraising. The ladies we talked with spoke a lot about ethics with their fundraising, such as how they don’t accept donations from companies who they essentially advise against. For example, they don’t accept donations from tobacco companies because they (AHA) tell people not to use the products because of the health factors,” Stone said.

Torri Brumbaugh of Spearfish, South Dakota, also enjoyed the trip and believes it has given her new insight into her future.

“The trip to Omaha helped spark a deeper passion for the field I’m planning to enter. Before the trip, I knew what I wanted to do, but I didn’t realize the possibilities that existed in the field of public relations. Public relations and journalism require hard work, and I think the trip opened my eyes to the work I will get to do. Realizing the amount of time and effort that is put into the communications field has only inspired and motivated me to work harder,” Brumbaugh said.

Students Kira Fish, Christie Hammock, Raychel Thomas, Megan O’Leary, Angela Cruz and Shae Brennan also participated in the trip.

-Conor P. Casey

Category: Campus News, Communication