Upward Bound provides preview of college life

High school students from Chadron, Crawford and Alliance at the Upward Bound kickoff picnic Sunday.
High school students from Chadron, Crawford and Alliance at the Upward Bound kickoff picnic Sunday. (Photo by Tena L. Cook)


CHADRON – Twenty-one high school students from Chadron, Alliance and Crawford are now enrolled in the Upward Bound summer program on the Chadron State College campus. Upward Bound is one of six federal TRiO programs designed to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds in their educational endeavors.

The program, consisting of a wide variety of daily courses and activities, plus designated evening study hall time, is designed to provide students a glimpse of college life. The curriculum includes courses about life skills, science, yoga and social dance. Added program features this year will be a demonstration of the 3D printer at the Chadron Public Library and horseback riding at Chadron State Park led by CSC coordinator of student activities Laure Sinn.

Program director, Dr. Maggie Smith-Bruehlman, said she is excited about the wide variety of courses awaiting the students this summer, including Spanish, taught by Rossana Jaeger of Chadron.

Upward Bound music faculty member Lauren Stephens and art faculty member Travis Hencey, both CSC alumni, plan to utilize a collaborative approach to help students’ express their artistic and musical interpretations of home.

“It’s great to see the students come together. It’s enjoyable to watch them mature, increase their social skills and become a team. I love it,” Stephens said.

Recent CSC graduate Maggie Darnell will also have students consider concepts of home through a study of the novel “Glass Castle” by Jeanette Walls.

The top five winners of the Writing Workshop I and II essay contest judged by Dr. Lee Miller will earn a trip to see “Wicked” in New York City in September.

Through the Upward Bound Bridge Program, four recent high school graduates will earn three credit hours by taking ENG 135, also taught by Miller. The credits are transferrable to any college or university and the students’ tuition is paid by Upward Bound based upon successful completion of the course.

Program staff members are Katie Patrick, returning for her seventh year, CSC alumna Amy Graham and current CSC students Darrien Oliver and Lane Swedberg. Sinn, who has helped with the program for more than 10 years, said being a team leader is great experience for CSC students who help the high school students build their confidence levels in a number of different settings.

The program’s closing ceremony, June 26, will include a family dinner, display of final projects and a concert including a performance of “Homeward Bound” by Marta Keen. The group will then depart June 28 on a field trip with several days of activities at a guest ranch near Cody, Wyoming, and exploration of Yellowstone National Park.

—Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

-Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

Category: Campus News