Suarez and Zeiss reappointed to NSCS Board of Trustees

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The Nebraska Legislature confirmed the reappointment of Michelle Suarez, Lincoln, and Jess Zeiss, Omaha, to the Nebraska State College System (NSCS) Board of Trustees Thursday

The seven-member board is responsible for the governance and policy oversight of the NSCS, which includes Chadron, Peru and Wayne State Colleges. Board members serve six year terms. 

Suarez said, “I am honored that Governor Ricketts recommended my reappointment to the Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees and the Unicameral acted positively on that recommendation. As a long time educator, I know that education makes a tremendous difference.” In response to a question at her confirmation hearing, Suarez stated, “It is critical that everyone work together in educating our children. Parents, schools, and various agencies must help students start thinking about college and being successful early on.” 

Suarez was the principal at Calvert Elementary School in south Lincoln for a number of years and currently serves as the principal at Everett Elementary School. Suarez has been a member of the NSCS Board of Trustees since 2007 and currently serves as the chair of the Board. She and her husband, John, have two adult daughters.

NSCS Chancellor Stan Carpenter said, “I am very pleased that Michelle Suarez was reappointed to the Board of Trustees. As an outstanding educator, Michelle provides great insight and perspective to the challenges we face.” 

Zeiss said, “I have enjoyed being a member of the NSCS Board and look forward to serving for the next 6 years. As a business person in Omaha, it helps me appreciate the challenges some of our students face in order to be successful and graduate from college.” 

Zeiss is employed at First National Capital Markets in Omaha where he lives with his wife, Dana, and their daughter, Lexi. Zeiss is involved in numerous leadership programs related to banking and juvenile diabetes research. Zeiss is also active in his daughter’s school activities. 

“Jess currently serves on the Finance, Facilities and Audit Committee and has proven to be a valuable resource on financial issues affecting the NSCS. His work experience has been invaluable as we make policy and financial decisions designed to strengthen the NSCS now and into the future. During his time on the Board, Jess has demonstrated a depth of understanding that is not often found in new Board members,” said NSCS Stan Carpenter.

 At the Legislative reappointment hearing, Carpenter said, “Both Jess and Michelle come to Board meetings prepared and they engage in positive and in-depth ways. I strongly recommend both be reappointed as I look forward to working with them. We are fortunate to have two nominees who understand and are committed to the Nebraska State College System and the students we serve.”

—NSCS Office

-NSCS Office

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