Music fundraiser set for Tuesday night


The music department is performing a fundraiser Tuesday, Jan. 13, in M-Hall Room 104 at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the event is to help finance a trip for several CSC piano students and an instructor to attend the fourth annual Collegiate Chapters MTNA Piano Pedagogy Symposium Jan. 17-18 in Dallas, Texas.

No admission will be charged but free will donations are welcome.

Faculty performers will include Bobby Pace, Brooks Hafey, Bill Mullins, and Jim Margetts all on piano. One of the pieces, Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever,” will feature all four pianists playing in a quartet.

“Anyone who knows the song will enjoy it,” Mullins said. Students performing during the fundraiser will include Megan Anderson on flute and Talia Enevoldsen and Jayne Barrow on piano.

The symposium in Dallas will include workshops, poster sessions and teaching demonstrations. Mullins said that CSC students have been invited to present in a poster session at the conference. They will share their research about sound levels to which musicians, both instructors and students, are exposed.

“This is a chance for CSC students to be in the national spotlight in a high-impact learning experience. In addition to the workshops, they can meet other professors, students and industry professionals. This is a unique opportunity for networking and professional development,” he said.

Additionally, Mullins will be providing one of the teaching demonstrations. He has presented twice at the conference and consequently received invitations from other institutions to be a guest lecturer.

—Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

-Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

Category: Campus News