Health Professions students honored

Rural Health Opportunities Program students accepted to the University of Nebraska Medical Center pose following a banquet in their honor.
Rural Health Opportunities Program students accepted to the University of Nebraska Medical Center pose following a banquet in their honor Thursday. Front row, from left, Tessa Retzlaff, clinical lab science; Michelle Tinglum, dental hygiene; Zach Pieper, dentistry; Dan Regier, medicine. Back row, from left, Caty Zentner, medicine, Zach Van Dyke, medicine; Cali Mulcahy, nursing; Terra Phelps, nursing; Abby Gibson, physical therapy; Shay Kernick, radiography. Not pictured, Emily Rongisch, nursing. (Tena L. Cook/Chadron State College)


CHADRON – Health Professions students advancing from Chadron State College to professional schools were honored at an annual Health Professions banquet Thursday.

Jill Mack, director of Health Professions and the Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP), congratulated the students on their accomplishments and wished them well in their future endeavors.

Leslie Bargen, development officer with the Chadron State Foundation, presented each of the advancing students with a gift from the Alumni Association.

Outgoing and incoming officers of the Health Professions Club were also recognized.

RURAL HEALTH OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM students advancing to the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)

Clinical Lab Science

Tessa Retzlaff of Gordon, Neb.

Dental Hygiene

Michelle Tinglum of Littleton, Colo.


Zach Pieper of Gering, Neb.


Dan Regier of Imperial, Neb.

Caty Zentner of Cairo, Neb.

Zach Van Dyke of Gering, Neb.


Cali Mulcahy of Gordon, Neb.

Terra Phelps of Ayr, Neb.

Emily Rongisch of Sutherland, Neb.

Physical Therapy

Abby Gibson of Springview, Neb.


Shay Kernick of Gordon, Neb.

TRADITIONAL PRE-PROFESSIONAL students advancing to graduate schools


Jacob Almanrode of Chappell, Neb., Palmer College of Chiropractic – West Campus

Clinical Lab Science

Jenae Bischoff of Wauneta, Neb., UNMC

Dental Hygiene

Ashley Keim of Cozad, Neb., UNMC West


Austin Gray of Norfolk, Neb., Loma Linda University


Kristine Bond of Lodgepole, Neb., South Dakota State University

Elizabeth Roberts, Hay Springs, Neb., UNMC

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-CSC College Relations

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