From planting trees to serving ice cream, The Big Event volunteers were busy

The Big Event volunteers Diane Baluska of Kimball and Chelsea Owe plant a tree.
The Big Event volunteers Diane Baluska of Kimball, Nebraska, left, and Chelsea Owen of Valentine, Nebraska, plant a Ponderosa pine seedling at Camp Norwesca Saturday. (Photo by Tena L. Cook)


About 600 Chadron State College students, faculty and staff volunteered Saturday in the third annual The Big Event day of service, according to faculty adviser Shaunda French.

The volunteers worked at about 80 job sites in Whitney, Crawford and the Chadron area, including businesses, residences and civic buildings. Service projects ranged from yard work and trash removal to cleaning and painting.

French thanked the student staff members who dedicated many months to planning The Big Event as well as all the volunteers who worked Saturday.

“We appreciate everyone’s support. We’re always evaluating and trying to improve,” French said.

Norwesca Camp Director Katelin Gosser said it would have taken three weeks for her and her staff to plant the 400 Ponderosa pine trees planted by a group of about 30 volunteers.

“The extra help was wonderful,” Gosser said.

Dean Carpenter said he was grateful for the rose bushes volunteers trimmed around his house Saturday.

“They had a good crew and did an excellent job. It wasn’t easy work,” Carpenter said.

In addition to helping Chadron residents, volunteers assisted private homeowners in Crawford.

Hector Gonzalez was one of the War Eagles club members who helped a Vietnam veteran in Crawford with trimming bushes, digging up roots, and moving rocks in his yard.

“It was a lot of fun helping out the community,” Gonzalez said.

The Dawes County Fairgrounds received some sprucing up, as well.

Dan Rhembrandt, president of the Dawes County fair board, said volunteers hauled away tree limbs, picked up litter and weeded flower beds and the tree park.

“They did a lot more than we had planned. We really appreciate it. It worked out well,” Rhembrandt said.

Like recipients, many volunteers also felt they benefited from the day. CSC student Zach Banzhaf of Chadron said he was impressed by the many opportunities he found embedded within The Big Event. He enjoyed making new connections while doing something new.

“This is one of the greatest rewards that could come out of an event,” he said. “Without the help of The Big Event, I never would have had the chance to work in the old school in Whitney helping with the restoration process. I never would have had the opportunity to work with and communicate with my team and the couple who hosted us. I can't wait to participate again.”

Soren Singpiel of Chadron was part of a group that helped with maintenance, cleaning and repairs at the Crawford museum, Railroad Park and a church.

“Working on the Big Event was a lot of fun. Being able to meet people from the college and surrounding area while we helped clean up the community was a great experience,” he said.

All the work wasn’t necessarily heavy lifting or manual labor. Some projects involved a listening ear and gentle touch.

The Social Work Club served ice cream and toppings at Crest View Care Center for the third year in a row.

Mike Penny, a resident, said the CSC students serving ice cream to the residents made for a good time.

“It was a good gathering. The other residents were so happy. One student brought her baby along and he was a lot of entertainment,” Penny said.

A wide range of individuals and organizations were helped Saturday. French said this is in keeping with the Texas A&M mission statement for the original The Big Event.

“The Big Event is solely about unifying the college and community. Any individual may request service for The Big Event. There are no specific qualifications based on need. Our sole purpose is giving back to any and every one,” she said.

—Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

-Tena L. Cook, Marketing Coordinator

Category: Campus News