Tyler Bartlett named Wyoming Teacher of the Year

Tyler Bartlett, right, with his wife, Nikki Bartlett, also a CSC graduate, after he received the 2015 Teacher of the Year award from Wyoming State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill. (Photo courtesy News Letter Journal)
Tyler Bartlett, right, with his wife, Nikki Bartlett, also a CSC graduate, after he received the 2015 Teacher of the Year award from Wyoming State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill. (Photo courtesy News Letter Journal)


NEWCASTLE, Wyo. -- Chadron native Tyler Bartlett was named the 2015 Wyoming Teacher of the Year during a presentation Sept. 24 in Newcastle, Wyoming. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill presented the award to Bartlett, a 2008 graduate of Chadron State College.

Bartlett is living his dream. He decided to be a teacher and coach in the third grade and said he never changed his mind. Now in his sixth year of teaching middle school math, Bartlett is pursuing his master’s degree through CSC.

“This award was quite a surprise for me and it is a tremendous honor.  I took it as a sign I am moving in the right direction as a teacher. I’m far from perfect, and I’m still learning and growing as a professional. At the same time, it’s nice to receive an honor like this that gives you a little confirmation that you’re doing your job well,” Bartlett said.

Bartlett emphasized that a state award isn’t possible without many people working together.

“I was very fortunate to be hired by a tremendous principal right out of college named Scott Shoop. He provided me with so much direction and encouragement and constantly pushed me to improve. I have also worked with some amazing people over the years, including teachers who have received their own awards and honors,” Bartlett said.

He expressed his gratitude for numerous teachers, coaches and mentors who helped him as a student.

“A community like Chadron and a school like Chadron State College is full of hardworking, talented people who care about others. I learned so much from my professors at Chadron State. People like Dr. Stack, Dr. King, and Dr. Hunn were great mentors to reach out to when I had questions and who supported me when I wanted to try new ways to approach an idea or assignment,” he said.

The value of relationships is something each of his mentors emphasized.

“I like to think that I do a nice job of making connections with my students by being positive, using a little humor, and treating them with respect. I think that goes a long way in reaching kids and helping them learn,” Bartlett said

Shoop, who was Bartlett’s principal from 2009 until he accepted a new position in Thermopolis, Wyoming, this year, said Bartlett is the best teacher he has known during his career as a principal.

“He possesses a keen intellect that would have allowed him success in any professional arena, but he chose to use his talent and intellect to be the best educator possible. In sports terminology, I consider him to be a true student of the game,” Shoop wrote in his nomination of Bartlett for the honor.

Other qualities of Bartlett’s touted by Shoop include the amount of time dedicated to in-depth planning and preparation. He said Bartlett’s willingness to try new approaches in the classroom is also an indicator of his commitment to excellence.

Although he embraces innovation, Bartlett places equal importance on the basics. His presentation about effective teaching fundamentals such as content planning, classroom climate, effective instruction and accurate assessment was well-received at the state’s Best of the Best Teachers Convention last year, according to Shoop.

“Tyler Bartlett has exceeded mastery teaching and moved into the realm of an elite impact educator,” Shoop said.

Todd Quigley, principal of the Newcastle Middle School, echoes Shoop’s comments about Bartlett’s qualities.

“Tyler is a leader in our school and district Professional Learning Communities. We are proud to call him one of our own,” he said.

-Tena L. Cook

Category: Campus News, Chadron State Alumni & Foundation