Former manager of major Sandhills ranch to speak at CSC Nov. 21


CHADRON --The Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition (NGLC) and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension will host Burke Teichert, noted ranch profitability strategist, on a four day, eight stop traveling road show across Nebraska.

 The program in Chadron is planned for Nov. 21 from 5 to 9 p.m. in the Chadron State College Student Center.

A western Wyoming native, Burke was the general manager of the Livestock Division of U&I Inc. in the Tri-Cities area of Washington where he developed a livestock division to graze the crop residue on two very large farms irrigated with water pumped from the Columbia and Snake Rivers.

From 1980 to 1990 he worked with the Welfare Services department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as manager of production and later as manager of seven cattle ranches in Utah.

For 10 years, he worked as a general manager and later as vice president and general manager with AgReserves Inc. where he was involved in seven major ranch acquisitions in the U.S. and the management of a number of farms and ranches in the U.S. as well as Canada and Argentina. He developed a reputation for organizing ranches to be very cost-effective and profitable with very efficient, small crews.

Teichert is a proponent of planned, time-controlled grazing for improved soil health and ranch productivity. Since retirement, he has worked as a contract manager, consultant and speaker. He has also traveled extensively in the U.S. and in parts of Canada and Central and South America as well as England, Australia and New Zealand on company business or as a consultant or speaker.

“The interesting thing is that it all begins with the way we manage our grazing and farming. Good grazing improves the land, lets us control costs by using larger herds and reduce our dependence on fed feeds, helps us cut overhead costs, makes us look at calving season and the breeding program to more closely fit the natural environment, etc.,” Teichert said.

The cost of $15 covers the meal. The NGLC will cover the cost of all student registrations. Attendees must register by Nov. 14 to reserve a meal. Contact Christi Yeatts at the Dawes County UNL Extension Office at 308-432-3373.

For more information, contact Ron Bolze, coordinator, Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition, at 402-321-0067 or

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, Range Management