Forging multicultural relationships topic of next Graves Lecture


Featured speakers for the Graves Lecture Series March 18 will be Dr. Jesse Sealey and Dr. Linda Hunt Brown, faculty members in the Chadron State College education department.

The title of their talk is “Developing Rich Multicultural Relationships: Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina.”

Sealey and Brown will discuss forging relationships across cultures and specifically address the relationships they made with educators and other individuals they encountered as they travelled through Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina.

Despite not being fluent in Portuguese or Spanish, they will explain how they were able to communicate and forge bonds and friendships with citizens of those countries.

The presentation will be located in Room 108 of the King Library at 7 p.m. The Graves Lecture Series is free, open to the community and will be available via live streaming at

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, Graves Lecture Series