CSC students to present at The Big Event Conference in College Station, Texas

Chadron State College students Cheyenne Deering, Wall, S.D.; Samuel Parker, Harrison, Neb.; Justy Bullington, Mullen, Neb.The three will present about their experience last year during the annual Big Event Conference in late January at Texas A&M in College Station, Texas, the campus where the traditional day of service began.
Chadron State College students Cheyenne Deering, Wall, S.D.; Samuel Parker, Harrison, Neb.; Justy Bullington, Mullen, Neb.The three will present about their experience last year during the annual Big Event Conference in late January at Texas A&M in College Station, Texas, the campus where the traditional day of service began.


Three Chadron State College students will represent Chadron State College this month at The Big Event Conference on the campus where the tradition began, Texas A&M in College Station, Texas, Jan. 31-Feb.1.

 Last year, two of these CSC students attended the conference as participants and this year they are returning as major presenters.

Justy Bullington, Mullen, Neb., Cheyenne Deering, Wall, S.D., and Samuel Parker, Harrison, Neb., will  present “Establishing an Eagle Tradition: CSC's The Big Event.”

“I am very excited to have the opportunity to travel to Texas A&M. It will be my first time attending the conference and I can’t wait to show what we have done and will do with The Big Event here at Chadron State College,” said Cheyenne Deering.

The Big Event is a student-led community service project that focuses on serving Chadron and surrounding areas as an expression of thanks for their continual support of CSC throughout the years.

It was founded at Texas A&M University in 1982. Since then it has spread to over 75 additional colleges nationwide and internationally. In Texas A&M University’s mission statement, The Big Event is described as a day to come together, express gratitude and give back to the community.

On Monday, in a presentation about the need for and value of volunteerism in the Chadron area, Rachel Johnson suggested that CSC students consider becoming involved either as an organizer or a worker in The Big Event this year.

Johnson, the coordinator of senior volunteer services with the Northwest Community Action Partnership based in Chadron, spoke to about 200 CSC and Pine Ridge Job Corps students, faculty and staff as part of the Diversity Committee’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day recognition.

Justy Bullington said, “I am so thankful to go back to The Big Event conference this year. It was a great conference that put the importance of civic engagement and community service into perspective and it is an honor to be a main presenter at this year’s conference.”

April 26 is the date of this year’s The Big Event at CSC. For more information, contact Shaunda French at or 308-432-6302.

-College Relations

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