Three justice studies graduates accepted to law school

David Soule
David Soule


Dr. Lisette Leesch, associate professor and department chair for Justice Studies, announced that three Chadron State College justice studies graduates have been accepted to law school for the upcoming academic year. They are Nathaniel Martens, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka Kan.; David Soule, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, Penn. and Daniel Edmonston, Jr., Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, Fla.

Leesch said Morgan Nelson, a legal studies student and former CSC student trustee on the Nebraska State College System board, will be attending graduate school at Texas A&M while Danny Reynaga, a legal studies student and current CSC student trustee on the NSCS board, will be an intern with Senator Mike Johann’s office in Washington D.C. this summer. 

Martens, who also won the Platinum Eagle award at Ivy Day, said, "Dr. Leesch and Bogner played a huge part in where I am today. I entered CSC planning on going into law enforcement and seeing their passion for law is what ultimately got me interested in legal studies. After I did an internship with the Wichita Law Department, I realized that law school was what I wanted to do next."

He added that all of the justice studies professors make their classes a great place for their students and were helpful to him by writing letters of recommendation and offering advice.

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus News, Justice Studies