Sun shines on Rhine inauguration

Dr. Randy Rhine
Dr. Randy Rhine following the formal investiture by Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees Chair Cap Peterson April 26, 2013. Rhine is Chadron State College's 11th president.


Temperatures around 70 made for an enjoyable inauguration day as the Nebraska State College System officially invested Dr. Randy Rhine as the 11th president of Chadron State College at the 3 p.m. inauguration ceremony in Chadron Friday.

The processional of faculty, administrators and special guests dressed in academic regalia created a fluttering rainbow from Crites Hall to Memorial Hall. Rhine walked into Memorial Hall to a fanfare provided by the CSC Brass Ensemble led by Sid Shuler.

At the reception following the ceremony, over 25 student projects were displayed in the hallway and classrooms of Old Admin. Tours were also provided to the forensic lab, mock courtroom and The Eagle newspaper production area on the upper floors of Old Admin.

In an evening event, Rhine's son, John, who is an Army Sgt. deployed overseas with the Rangers, used Skype to thank his father for teaching him about leadership plus many hunting and fishing trip memories.John said of his father,  "Great leaders build  good leaders."

Other noted Rhine's qualities of listening to others and his ability to diffuse tense situations. 

Photos of the event may be seen on the Chadron State College Facebookpage and at: on Smugmug. Video of the ceremony can be seen on the CSC YouTube channel

-Tena L. Cook

Category: Campus News, Employee Awards & Achievements