Students promote reading

Samuel Parker entertains questions about college life
CSC Communication Arts major Samuel Parker entertained questions about college life Friday, March 1 at Kenwood Elementary school in Chadron. Parker, a student in Shaunda French's Media Law, attended the classroom as part of Read Across America. Parker told the class his goal is to work for a magazine.


Shaunda French's Media Law class reached out to children in Kenwood elementary school March 1 to promote reading. The effort was part of the National Education Association's Read Across America campaign. "I think it's important for our students to engage with the community in service like this. I required it as part of my mid-term," said French.

When asked by the children what books they liked most when growing up, Samuel Parker of Harrison, Neb. responded with the "Chronicles of Narnia" and Ashley Swanson indicated that "Goosebumps" was her favorite.

-Tena L. Cook

Category: Campus News, Communication, Education