Planning underway for Big Event 2014

Big Event poster


Big Event planning is underway for the spring of 2014. Staff, interns, and Intro to Public Relations students from the Communications department have already entered the development process.

Chadron State held its first Big Event last spring. Justy Bullington, a public relations major and former Big Event intern said, “We had a great turnout, over 400 students, faculty, and staff volunteered their Saturday afternoon to help out in the community, and this year we want to make it even bigger.”

Planners hope to increase the number of worksites this year through publicity and serve both large organizations and individual community members in need.

Bethany Kroetch, an Intro to Public Relations student, says, “The community supports Chadron State College and The Big Event seems like a great way for us to help them in return”.

The planning process will include reaching out to clubs, teams, staff, and students on campus in order to boost involvement and increase potential volunteers.

Those who want to help with the Big Event, have a possible worksite or questions should contact Shaunda French at 308-432-6302.

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus Events, Campus News