Planned outage on campus May 10


Chadron State College Chief Information Officer, Ann Burk, announced Monday that the CSC Data Center will be powered down on May 10 from 7:30 a.m. through approximately 10:30 a.m. MDT.

Electrical power to Miller Hall will be off from about 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  In preparation for the planned outage, all servers and network devices in the Data Center will be shut down at 7:30am.  Burk said if the electrical work progresses as scheduled, it is anticipated that all services will be restored by 10:30am.   

This outage will disrupt access to all services into, out of, and within the campus including phones, e-mail, printing, Sakai, TK20, www, NeSIS, SAP, EagleMail, Internet, etc.

The  CSC Vice President of Administration and Finance, Dale Grant, said the outage is the latest in a series of planned outages that was completed in other buildings on campus in March and April as part of an energy monitoring system installation. Nebraska Public Power District will de-energize the electrical system in Miller to create a safe working environment for employees of Johnson Controls, the contractor for the project.

Once the energy monitoring system is complete, Grant and other administrators will be able to compare and analyze electrical, steam, natural gas and water usage by building. The first readings from the web-based product will provide a baseline making it possible to measure the impact of future energy efficiencies such as new windows, etc.

The total amount of the venture is $381,210.  Funding through 309 Task Force for Building Renewal is covering $270,450 while CSC revenue bond is paying for $110,760.

-Tena L. Cook

Category: Campus Announcements, Campus News, Information Technology