NCAA announces public infractions report related to the Chadron State athletic program


LINCOLN – The NCAA announced its public infractions report against Chadron State College and its football program Wednesday.

The report follows an NCAA investigation of violations identified during an inquiry into Chadron State’s athletic program.

“We’re pleased to have a decision from the NCAA and now we can continue to ensure Eagle athletics remains the strong program it already is,” Dr. Randy Rhine, CSC president said. “I have confidence in our coaching staff and athletic administration to lead us forward.”

Chadron State College’s football program will not receive a postseason ban and scholarships will not be reduced. However, CSC will vacate its wins during the 2011 and 2012 seasons and is placed under probation until Nov. 5, 2016.

Nebraska State College System chancellor Stan Carpenter said he was grateful for the leadership of Rhine and other college officials during the NCAA investigation.

“While it is vital we learn from the NCAA investigation as we look toward the future of CSC, our primary focus has been and will continue to be providing quality academic and extra-curricular programs to benefit our students. President Rhine’s insight and leadership continue to make Chadron a strong institution.”

-CSC College Relations

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