High Rise elevator replacement begins

The High Rise Elevator control panel
The computer control panel, one of many parts, which will be replaced as part of the High Rise elevator replacement project. (Frank Bright/Chadron State College)


A construction crane was stretched above the Chadron State College High Rise for about three hours Tuesday marking the start of a 10-12 week replacement process involving both elevators in the 11-story residence hall.

Doug Taylor, elevator mechanic with O’Keefe elevator company of Omaha, said the project will include replacing all elevator switches, wiring, motors, computer controllers and cables in the hoist way - opening through which the elevator moves.

The cabs, the portion of the elevator students ride in, will not be replaced. Taylor and another elevator mechanic compose the two-member crew in charge of the project. He said a larger crew is not needed since the each step in the process must be done in sequence.

-Tena L. Cook

Category: Campus News, Housing & Residence Life