CSC Dining earns top regional award

Dining Services award


Chadron State Dining Services has been named an Operator of the Year by Brakebush Brothers, Inc., supplier of the Squawkers chicken products carried at CSC since the summer of 2012.

Senior Director of CSC Dining Operations, Tracy Shuck, said, “I was surprised. We didn’t even know we’d been nominated. We have a good partnership with Brakebush and students really like the Squawkers chicken products, so we will continue to carry them.”

Jody Becker, territory manager for Brakebush Brothers, Inc. covering most of the central portion of the country, said each sales rep submits an operator that has been supporting their company with marketing, product, promotions, new ideas, etc. “These are partners we feel really believe in our brand and quality. CSC Dining has been more than that,” she said.

Each January, Brakebush Brothers, Inc. convenes a National Sales meeting at which each regional sales rep nominates top customers to be considered for the Customer of the Year. Then the steering committee chooses a number of operators from around the country as Top Operators. The steering committee is composed of Brakebush family members, Director of Sales, Director of Marketing and the Customer Service Manager. Brakebush is based in Westfield, Wisc.

-CSC Information Services

Category: Campus News, Housing & Residence Life