CSC Business Academy ranked 17th nationally

Best for Vets Business Schools poster


In the first-ever survey of business schools by Military Times Edge magazine, CSC has been ranked 17th nationally.

Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management and Marketing, Jon Hansen, said, “Chadron State College is committed to serving our veteran and military community. This national recognition reflects an ongoing mission to be a leader in veteran and military education. We are proud of the accomplishments of our students, faculty, and staff in the Chadron State College Business Academy.”

In the magazine’s article releasing the national ranking, staff writer George Altman said, “A significant majority of schools told us they have one person or a designated group of people who process education benefits for vets, whether functioning exclusively for the business school or for the larger university. That can be important for developing expertise in the unique, and sometimes tricky, world of GI Bill benefits.”

At CSC, Chris Singpiel is the person designated to assist veterans with accessing the educational benefits which they have earned. The CSC online MBA, which can be pursued either full-time or part-time, was also one of the criteria considered in the ranking.

In November, CSC was ranked 11th nationally for overall programs and services for veterans by Military Times Edge magazine. The article about that ranking can be seen at: Military Times Edge isn’t the only military media to take note of CSC. During the past three years, CSC also has been listed among G.I. Jobs magazine’s list of military-friendly schools. Only 15 percent of colleges and universities in the United States earn that designation.

Altman said, “Some 100 business schools responded to the detailed, 60-question survey, which asked about academic policies, financial aid, academic and career support… [Military Times Edge] evaluated the responses, relying in part on the answers to our even more rigorous survey of full colleges and universities, whose results were published in November, to develop the Best for Vets: Business Schools rankings.”

The full article and graphics including the criteria which were considered in the business rankings can be seen at:

-Tena L. Cook

Category: Business, Campus News