Week-long shortcourse focuses on range management


Participants of an event at Chadron State College will be exposed to a wide range of instruction about range management. The Nebraska Range Shortcourse is scheduled for Monday through Friday, June 18-22.

The shortcourse is sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Chadron State College and the Nebraska Section of the Society for Range Management.

The program is designed to provide individuals who have a background in range management, natural resources or agriculture with an opportunity to increase their knowledge in range management.

The course, taught through a series of classroom and field sessions, focuses on underlying principles of range management for efficient, sustainable use of rangeland for multiple purposes. The course topics include plant identification, plant growth and development, rangeland soils, assessing range condition and health, prescribed burning, ecosystem services, wildlife management, grazing management, and range livestock production.

The shortcourse can be taken for credit through CSC or UNL. Sixteen continuing education credits are available through the SRM Certified Professional Rangeland Management program.

Applications are due Friday, May 18, and enrollment is limited to 50 participants. The registration fee of $225 includes educational materials and transportation associated with field trips during the week.

For more information, visit the shortcourse website, or contact Walt Schact, UNL professor of grassland ecology, at 402-472-0205 or wschacht@unl.edu.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, Range Management