Students collecting items for time capsule


Chadron State College students have one more activity planned to mark the institution’s centennial, which was celebrated in 2011.

The CSC Student Senate and Campus Activities Board have spearheaded the purchase of a time capsule, which will be buried this spring and is scheduled to be unearthed in 50 years.

“We are looking for anything which commemorates the centennial and anything which shows daily life or normal things of ‘today,’” said Morgan Nelson of Norfolk, president of the Student Senate.

The capsule measures two feet deep by one foot square.

If people have items to submit for consideration by the selection committee, they may contact Nelson or send an email to The items must be submitted to the Student Senate office in the Student Center by Friday, March 23. The students are planning an April 19 ceremony for the time capsule.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News