It's the truth: Music department plans Madrigal Feasts

Members of Arioso, the Chadron State College women's choir, sing during their Nov. 11 concert. They will be among the performers in the upcoming Madrigal Feasts. (Photo by Justin Haag)
Members of Arioso, the Chadron State College women's choir, sing during their Nov. 11 concert. They will be among the performers in the upcoming Madrigal Feasts. (Photo by Justin Haag)


The Chadron State College music department will take audiences back to medieval times during a series of Madrigal Feasts in December.

 Students of the CSC choirs and brass quintet will don Renaissance attire to present “The Truth Fairy.” The shows will be Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 8-9, at the Chicoine Atrium of the Sandoz Center. The students also will present the show at MJ’s Ranch House in Crawford on Friday, Dec. 7.

“The Truth Fairy,” set in 1510, tells the humorous tale of a depressed king who lacks trust and is in search of an honestly truthful person to succeed the jester. To help his cause, he enlists the help of the Truth Fairy who can distinguish whether or not people are being honest.

About 40 students will be involved in the production. In addition to the Truth Fairy and jester, students will play the characters of the royal court, Mertonsire, Lancelot, Lancelittle and two pages. The performance also features a little audience participation.

Dr. Una Taylor, CSC assistant professor of music, said the event will have a lot of laughs, quality a capella music, colorful costumes, and an outstanding meal prepared by CSC’s food services. The menu consists of stuffed pork loin or chicken quarter, roasted potato and bread pudding.

“There is singing throughout the feast, and then at the end we actually do a concert comprised of  of holiday music,” she said.

This marks CSC’s first year for offering the Madrigal Feast, at least in recent years. Taylor hopes it is popular enough to become an annual fundraising event for the department. Seating is limited, so she is encouraging people to buy tickets early.

Tickets, which are $32 per person, will be available at the CSC box office after Nov. 28. They also are being sold at TJ’s Photography and Scrapbooking in downtown Chadron.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News, Music