International flavor on tap for Food Tasting Party

Chadron State College students Alula Mazengia, Lily Amare, Abenezer Dejene, Melat Louis and Naol Temesgen perform an Ethiopian dance during the International Club's annual Food Tasting Party in 2010. The club annually presents entertainment and cuisine to a crowd of 400. (Photo by Justin Haag)
Chadron State College students Alula Mazengia, Lily Amare, Abenezer Dejene, Melat Louis and Naol Temesgen perform an Ethiopian dance during the International Club's annual Food Tasting Party in 2010. The club annually presents entertainment and cuisine to a crowd of 400. (Photo by Justin Haag)


International students of Chadron State College will again present an evening of cultural entertainment and ethnic cuisine to attendees of the annual Food Tasting Party. The event is set for Saturday, Feb. 11, at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Center ballroom.

 CSC International Club president Karolina Marcinkevic, a native of Jonava, Lithuania, said the club is striving to present the flavor of a wide variety of cultures in one location, drawing from the diversity of the 36 club members who represent 23 countries. The event will feature 18 dishes from 13 countries, including the United States.

“What we hope to accomplish with the Food Tasting Party is to provide a great cultural experience for the community and the students on campus,” she said, noting that the club members represent every continent except Antarctica. “We want our guests to enjoy themselves and have a great time while learning about other cultures’ way of life.”

While there are no significant changes from years past, Marcinkevic said the club is placing special emphasis on making the event flow smoothly.

“A couple of things we are working on this year is having everything really well organized for optimum guest experience and encouraging diversity and working with other clubs around campus, such as NOCS (the Night of Country Swing dance club),” she said.

Marcinkevic, who has lived in Winter Park, Colo., the past 10 years, said this year has been a learning experience for many associated with the club. She had been a member of the club for only one semester before becoming its president, and club sponsors Chuck Butterfield and Shafiq Rahman are also new at their roles this year.

“Frances Gonzalez is no longer our sponsor, but she has been great help throughout this whole process,” Marcinkevic said. “When it comes to the party, every aspect of the planning posed its challenges. When it came to cooking and recipes for the party, we had many who wanted to cook but could not cook for various reasons such as not being able to cook a dish for 400 people or not having the ingredients necessary available to them.”

Gonzalez said Monday that some tickets were still available, but going fast. They may be purchased from members of the International Club and at Gonzalez’ office in the Strive Learning Center, 308-432-6381. Prices are $10 for adults, $8 for senior citizens and $5 for children and students.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus Events, Campus News, Student Clubs & Organizations