Graves Series features faculty


The Reta King Library at Chadron State College will feature four faculty members in the Dorset Graves Lecture Series in coming weeks.

 Dr. Sandy Schaefer will open the semester’s presentations Tuesday, Feb. 28, with “Arts: Advocacy and Careers.”

Schaefer plans to speak about a first-year inquiry course that is structured to give students skills that he said employers are seeking. In the course, students will produce advocacy materials to support a cause. In addition to writing for print media, those enrolled learn to manipulate digital sound, images and moving images by recording radio commercials, working with graphic design and editing videos.

Other presentations on the Graves Lecture Series schedule are “Animals, Mental Health & Wellbeing by Dr. Katy Woods on March 13, “The Future of American Education: Some See It, Some Don’t” by Dr. Bill Roweton on March 27, and “Vietnam: Stories of a Time Near and Far” by Bruce Hoem on April 10.

Each presentation begins at 7 p.m. in room 108 of the library and is open to the public free of charge.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, Graves Lecture Series