Theatre program reaches children, teens

Chadron area elementary students get ready for Chadron State College theatre program's production of
Chadron area elementary students get ready for Chadron State College theatre program's production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown." The special showing was sponsored by the Chadron Library Foundation. (Photo by Bethany Cook)


Not only were Chadron State College theatre students busy performing their first production of the season in early October, but they also were “breaking a leg” with a pair of outreach activities for area high school and elementary students.

The first was Theatre Day, in which 225 students from eight high schools were on campus to learn about topics relating to the stage. The teenagers, who came from as far as Cheyenne, Wyo., attended their choice of eight workshops presented by CSC students and faculty Thursday, Oct. 6.

On Friday, Oct. 7, the theatre program presented its production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” for area elementary students. The special presentation was funded in large part by the Chadron Library Foundation.

About 500 students in kindergarten through fifth grade attended the afternoon showing of the play, which included a cast of six CSC students and ran throughout the weekend.

The Chadron Library Foundation has been sponsoring live theatre for Dawes County elementary students for many years. The collaboration with CSC’s theatre program began within the past decade after the Nebraska Theater Caravan discontinued its outreach program to western Nebraska.

George Ledbetter, president of the Library Foundation Board, said the annual $2,000 investment in the collaboration has had positive results.

“The Library Foundation Board believes it is important to give young students a chance to experience live theater, so they realize that entertainment doesn’t come only from a TV or movie screen,” Ledbetter said. “Theater performed live in front of an audience is one of the oldest art forms, and one that children in our area have limited opportunity to enjoy. We think that giving young people the opportunity to explore new things is one of the missions of the library, and have been very appreciative of Roger’s (Mays, CSC director of theatre) selection of shows that both educate and entertain younger audiences.”


-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News