Students urged to apply for Board of Trustees


Chadron State College is seeking its next student representative for the Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees.

The applications for student trustee are available at the information desk in the Student Center, at 336 Crites Hall, or can be accessed on the CSC Student Senate website,

The student trustee is an undergraduate student who is appointed by the governor for a one-year term. One student trustee is appointed from each of the three state colleges.

Student trustees are non-voting members who are accorded full board membership and participation except for certain personnel and legal matters. They assume responsibilities each May.

The applications and letters of recommendation are due in 336 Crites Hall by noon Friday, Feb. 18. More information may be obtained by contacting CSC’s current student trustee, Trevor Dietrich, or Dr. Randy Rhine, vice president for enrollment management and student services, at 308-432-6231.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News