Seminar will explore global economy


A seminar at Chadron State College this week will give teachers new tools to convey global economics lessons to their students.

The one-day seminar, “Is Capitalism Good for the Poor?,” will be Friday, March 4, at the CSC Student Center from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The program is designed for high school educators and pre-service teachers, especially in the social studies, family and consumer science, and business disciplines.

The event will be led by Dr. Roger B. Butters, who services as president of the Nebraska Council for Economics Education and is assistant professor of economics at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

The lesson topics will explore definitions of poverty, the poor and capitalism. Other topics include property rights, rule of law, markets and entrepreneurship. Attendees also will look at ways to use experimental economics and game theory to investigate the effects of capitalism on cooperative behavior in society.

Attendees were required to register for the seminar in February.

-College Relations

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