Officials report no spread of tuberculosis


Health officials report no indication of the spread of tuberculosis after more than 100 tests were administered at Chadron State College in recent weeks.

“Based on the test results, there is no indication of the spread of tuberculosis from this case and no further testing is necessary,” said Becky Corman, Panhandle Public Health District emergency response coordinator.

Tuberculin skin tests were administered by PPHD after at-risk individuals were identified following the diagnosis of a CSC student with active tuberculosis Jan. 21. The student continues to be hospitalized and is expected to fully recover.

Corman said the safety and well-being of CSC students and employees, and the surrounding community, has been the PPHD’s highest priority since the diagnosis. The case triggered a coordinated response from the PPHD, CSC and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.

“We appreciate the quick and thorough response by PPHD, other health officials, and our staff in this case, and are glad to hear that our student is expected to fully recover,” said CSC President Janie Park.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News