New lighting results in big energy rebate

Public Power District presents check to CSC.
Terry Rajewich, account manager for the Nebraska Public Power District, presents a $22,098.60 rebate check to Chadron State College President Janie Park, at front left. The check was made possible through NPPD's EnergyWise incentive program which rewards consumers for energy efficient upgrades. The rebate, the second awarded to CSC this year, is for changing lighting in the Math and Science Building. Others in the photo are, from left, Blair Brennan, CSC facilities coordinator, Bryce Landen, NPPD energy efficiency consultant, and Dale Grant, CSC vice president for administration. (Photo by Justin Haag)


Chadron State College’s continuous energy efficiency upgrades have again paid off.

Representatives of the Nebraska Public Power District earlier this month delivered a $22,098.60 check from its EnergyWise rebate program to college officials.

“Chadron State College has been targeting old inefficient lighting across campus during the past two years,” said Dale Grant, CSC vice president for administration. “Most recently we have upgraded the Math and Science Building.”

Grant said the new fixtures are not only more efficient, but also provide great light.

For the Math and Science Building, workers removed 545 T12 fluorescents, 76 300-watt incandescent fixtures and replaced them with T8 and T5 fluorescent fixtures.

Bryce Landen, NPPD energy efficiency consultant, said CSC’s Energy Wise improvement to the Math and Science Building will save the college $11,054.30 annually based on the decreased demand.

CSC also has received thousands of dollars in rebates for lighting improvements to the Nelson Physical Activity Center, Armstrong Gymnasium, Old Admin and Sparks Hall.

-College Relations

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