Exhibit features Sandhills photography, Sandoz quotes


An exhibit by California photographer Peter Hiller continues to be on display through Aug. 30 at the Sandoz Center at Chadron State College.

This exhibit features black and white photographs of the Nebraska Sandhills paired with quotations from Mari Sandoz’s books, primarily “Old Jules.”The simple, clean landscape of the Sandhills meshes with the use of hand-processed film shown in the exhibit.

“Open spaces have proven to proved a restfulness for this traveler not found in any other type of topography,” Hiller said.

Hiller has been published extensively in Arts and Activities magazine. He has shown his work primarily in California, with this being his first solo exhibit in the Great Plains. Hiller has taught art and photography classes for many years in Californiaand holds bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts-Literature from Johnston College and a teaching credential from the University of California at Los Angeles.

The Sandoz Center is open from 8 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. on Saturday. There is no admission charge for this exhibition. For additional information, please contact Sarah Polak, the center's director, at 308-432-6401.

-College Relations

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