Upward Bound program provides opportunities

Upward Bound participants gather with Chadron State College student leaders at the base of the Lindeken Clocktower.
Upward Bound participants gather with Chadron State College student leaders at the base of the Lindeken Clocktower. (CSC Photo)


A program at Chadron State College this summer is giving high school students important lessons to succeed in school and life.

A total of 31 high school students are taking part in the six-week learning experience at CSC, which is designed to get the students on the path to a college degree. The students from Chadron, Alliance and Gordon began taking part in the program June 1.

“By participating in Upward Bound, these students are learning skills that will help them the rest of their lives,” said Dr. Maggie Smith-Bruehlman, director of CSC’s Upward Bound Trio program. “It has been fun watching them advance during their time on campus.”

While at CSC, the high school students reside in Edna Work Hall and take classes from certified teachers. Course topics include math, science, history of the Southwest, composition, Spanish, literature, computers and art. Unlike years past, the Upward Bound students are receiving credit toward their high school curriculum. The students return to their homes each weekend.

In addition to the curricular studies, the students are exposed to a number of “life-long” recreational activities, such as racquetball, swimming, golf, horsemanship, dance, yoga and cooking.

The final week of the program will feature a trip to Santa Fe, N.M. The students will stay at the Institute of American Indian Arts and tour Taos Pueblo, museums and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Other activities include a half-day raft trip, a Flamenco dance class and show, and the opening night of the International Folk Art Market. The final stop will be at Colorado State University’s Pingree Park mountain campus, where students will participate in a half-day ropes course.

“Living a successful life isn’t necessarily about just doing well in school,” Smith-Bruehlman said. “We are hopeful that the students will gain an enhanced appreciation for life by expanding their cultural and recreational horizons.”

In addition to CSC Trio staff, the Upward Bound participants are being led by CSC student leaders. They are James Bahensky of Anselmo, Brande Kirby of Sterling, Colo., Katie Patrick of Alliance and Alex Rodriguez of Orlando, Fla. Chelsea Keeney, a May CSC graduate from Callaway, serves as the Upward Bound resident director at Edna Work Hall. Keeney and CSC Trio staff member Mike Spargo take the students to and from their homes in Alliance and Gordon each weekend.

CSC’s Upward Bound program was funded in 2007 by a four-year grant that awards $250,000 to the college each year. Upward Bound is one of six federal Trio programs designed to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds in their educational endeavors. In addition to assisting people with lower incomes, Upward Bound services are targeted for “first-generation college students,” defined as those whose parents do not hold a four-year degree.

In addition to the summer program, Upward Bound provides comprehensive services to the students during the academic year, including tutoring, ACT test preparation assistance, individual counseling and assistance with selecting a college to attend by sponsoring college visits.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News