Student works to deliver 'Smiles Across Borders'

Jacob Zitterkopf
Jacob Zitterkopf


Chadron State College senior Jacob Zitterkopf of Scottsbluff has founded a nonprofit organization to supply donations for his internship in Argentina this summer.

Zitterkopf’s nonprofit organization, Smiles Across Borders, is collecting donations for his dentistry internship this summer in Cordoba, Argentina, a city of nearly 1 million people. He will depart May 18 for his two-month experience.

The senior describes the project as a global initiative to provide quality dental health care and assist with other factors of dental health, such as food, nutrition and water sanitation. His Web site,, has been key in conducting the project.

Zitterkopf said he will be working at Hospital Pediátrico del Niño Jesús, and Rawson Hospital while being supervised by Dr. Daniel Pizzi.

There, he will have the opportunity to perform extractions and assist doctors by giving injections. Zitterkopf also will make weekly visits to orphanages to give workshops about dental hygiene and health using packets provided by the National Institute of Health.

“I am going on the trip because I was inspired to help others and learn at the same time, which is much of the reason I created my nonprofit organization,” Zitterkopf said. “I plan on bringing Smiles Across Borders to many corners of the world throughout the next few years.”

In Cordoba, he will stay with a host parent in the city’s tallest building, La Torre Angela.

On April 14, CSC’s Residence Life Association sponsored Zitterkopf’s program, “Make a Difference in Argentina.” The event provided a chance for students to donate dental supplies.

“I was humbled by the generosity of our college students,” Zitterkopf said. “I received various dental supplies ranging from toothbrushes, floss, as well as monetary donations made online.”

Zitterkopf said he has collected more than 1,000 toothbrushes and 350 boxes of toothpaste and dental floss.

Zitterkopf said he has been researching internships for the last three years, and through the help from CSC professionals, including Heather Crofutt, financial aid counselor, and Sherry Douglas, director of financial aid, everything has been planned effectively.

During Zitterkopf’s trip, anyone with Internet access will be able to check for blog updates, photos, and video feeds on the Smiles Across Borders’ Web site and Facebook page. 

Zitterkopf, who is studying human biology and business, plans to attend the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s College of Dentistry in the fall of 2011 and someday become an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. He was CSC’s Student Senate president for 2009-2010.

Donations of materials can be made by contacting Zitterkopf at To make monetary donations or for more information visit

-Carmen Brown

Category: Campus News