Panhandle students crowned royalty at Winter Magic Formal

Chadron State College Winter Magic Formal king Trevor Dietrich of Mitchell and Sarah Counts of Chappell.
Chadron State College Winter Magic Formal king Trevor Dietrich of Mitchell and Sarah Counts of Chappell. (Photo by Justin Haag)


Two students from the Nebraska panhandle were crowned royalty during Chadron State College’s Winter Magic Formal on Sunday.

Sarah Counts of Chappell and Trevor Dietrich of Mitchell received the most votes in the annual competition, which had 33 candidates. Both Counts and Dietrich were nominated by the Night of Country Swing Club.

Counts is a 2008 graduate of Creek Valley High School who is studying nursing. Dietrich is a business student who graduated from home school in 2007.

Margo Larsen of Springview was runner-up and Mariah Cook of Herndon, Va., third in voting for the queen competition, which consisted of 17 of the candidates. Douglas Liewer of Butte was second and Mike Mamula of Box Elder, S.D., third in the voting for king.

The annual Valentine's Day dinner and dance is sponsored by the CSC Residence Life Association. The event was in the Student Center.

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