Open house set for wildlife management program, taxidermy collection

Teresa Zimmerman poses with taxidermy
Dr. Teresa Zimmerman tells about the mountain lion of the new High Plains Wildlife Collection at Chadron State College. (Photo by Justin Haag)


Chadron State College’s wildlife management program is hosting an open house to showcase its efforts and the two semi-truck loads of taxidermy that was donated by Cabela’s last fall.

The public event will be Monday, April 19, from 6-9 p.m. at the Burkhiser Complex.

The taxidermy, which has been named the High Plains Wildlife Collection, is being displayed in Burkhiser 231.

“We get a lot of requests from people to look at the collection,” said Dr. Teresa Zimmerman, who teaches CSC’s wildlife management courses. “We like showing it off and this community event will provide a great way to show it to many people at once.”

Zimmerman said more than 400 people visited the collection during its first four months on campus.

Other features of the wildlife management program also will be displayed. For instance, Zimmerman’s “human dimensions” class will prepare posters for the event.

“This will serve as a great opportunity to formally recognize our contributors and highlight the wildlife program,” Zimmerman said.

 The recognition of contributors is scheduled shortly after the event begins.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News