Many volunteer for PR Club outreach project

Brittney Deadmond helps prepare food
Chadron State College student Brittney Deadmond of Rapid City, S.D., helps prepare food at the Closer to Home food pantry in Chadron on Saturday, Dec. 4. Deadmond is a member of the CSC Public Relations Club, which served lunch at the pantry to raise awareness of homelessness and poverty. (Photo by Carmen Brown)


An effort by the Chadron State College Public Relations Club to sponsor a lunch at a Chadron soup kitchen Saturday, Dec. 4, drew a lot of volunteer support.

Bethany Cook, a CSC junior from Hot Springs, S.D., who served as student director for the event, said about 67 volunteers assisted during the lunch at the Closer to Home Soup Kitchen. Sharon Pile of Closer to Home helped guide the volunteers. 

Donations for the event were received from Walmart and CSC faculty members Kathleen Kirsch, James Koehn, Michael Kennedy and Lucyann Kerry. All food left over from the event was donated to Closer to Home. 

 “We did this to build a bridge between CSC students and the community of Chadron,” Cook said. 

Cook said club members are pleased with the results and consider the event a success.

-Carmen Brown

Category: Campus News, Student Clubs & Organizations