Eagle spirit sought for new photo project

Chadron State College mascot Elmo Eagle joins school president Janie Park and vice president Randy Rhine in spelling out CSC near Sparks Hall. The photo is the first for "We Are CSC," a new campaign that encourages CSC fans from around the globe to submit photos of groups spelling out CSC with their bodies. Submissions may be made at WeAreCSC@csc.edu. (Photo by Justin Haag)


Chadron State College is encouraging Eagle fans to show their school spirit by submitting entries for a new photo campaign.

For the new project, "We Are CSC," Eagle fans are being asked to submit photos of groups spelling out CSC with their bodies. The photos will be used on CSC's Web site, social networking sites and printed publications. The photos may be sent to WeAreCSC@csc.edu.

CSC President Janie Park joined Elmo Eagle, the school mascot, and Randy Rhine, CSC vice president for student services and enrollment management, in posing for the inaugural photo for the campaign Friday afternoon, Feb. 26.

Two CSC College Relations marketing liaisons, students Kristen O'Brien of McCook and Carmen Brown of Harrisburg, are organizing the project. They encourage people to use the new project as a creative and inexpensive way to show their school spirit at locations around the globe.

"Whether you are near the Taj Mahal or just your house, we want you to show your CSC pride by snapping a photo," O'Brien said.

If the project generates enough interest, prizes may be awarded for the best entries.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News