Construction begins on Centennial Plaza, campus entrance

Donnie Quinn clears the ground for future plaza
Donnie Quinn of Chadron, an employee of Fuller Construction, clears ground for Chadron State College's future Centennial Plaza on Thursday, Nov. 18. The new plaza on CSC's Dean's Green and a campus portal at the intersection of 10th and Main streets are expected to be completed in spring 2011. (Photo by Justin Haag)


Chadron State College’s scenic Dean’s Green, the area north of Old Admin, will soon have a pair of new features.

Fuller Construction of Chadron on Wednesday, Nov. 17, began work on Chadron State’s new Centennial Plaza and campus entrance signage – two projects that were initiated to help the college celebrate its centennial in 2011.

The circular plaza, to be located at the location of the current flag pole, will provide a gathering place at the center of the college’s Dean’s Green, said Blair Brennan, CSC facilities coordinator. The design, 42 feet in diameter, resembles the plaza that was constructed in 2009 east of Old Admin. When construction of the Centennial Plaza is complete, three new flag poles will stand near the north end of concrete slab and its benches. Flags for the State of Nebraska and CSC will flank the stars and stripes.

The plans for the campus entrance, or portal, at the intersection of 10th and Main streets include a design of four semicircle structures made of bricks and decorative metal railing. In addition to featuring prominent display of the college’s name, the design allows for possible installation of digital and historical signage. Both projects will be accented with landscaping.

In order to give a symmetrical appearance, two structures will be constructed on each side of Main Street, ranging from about 21 feet to 30 feet long. The height of the two structures closest to the street will slope from eight to six feet, while the two on the outside will be six feet tall on one side and four feet high on the other.

Dale Grant, CSC vice president for administration, said the new features will serve as a permanent reminder of CSC’s first 100 years. He expects both projects to be completed in early spring, if the weather cooperates.

“When looking for ways to commemorate the college’s centennial, the idea of a plaza and new entrance portal was brought forward,” Grant said. “Both will help beautify the campus and be a good use of the Dean’s Green’s space. The entrance portal will help bolster the college’s image while the plaza will provide an attractive place for the college community to gather.”

The college is using $142,000 of interest earnings from its cash fund to pay for the project, Grant said.

The plans for the entrance call for the removal of the remaining stone and mortar lamp post at the campus entrance of 10th and Main. Brennan said workers will try to save the lamp post and one day use it to decorate another location on campus.

The lamp post is one of four that were placed at the campus entrances near the Dean’s Green in 1926. The one on the east side of Main Street was irreparably damaged the morning of Halloween 2005 when a driver lost control of a sedan and toppled the post. Since then, only the post on the west side of Main Street has greeted visitors at the intersection.

In order to clear the way for the projects, workers removed two evergreen trees Wednesday. They also are relocating a concrete bench that was a gift from the class of 1923. It will be positioned at a different location on the Dean’s Green, Brennan said.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News